
So here we are....if you are reading this you most likely are a freak or sicko or hentai underworld magnet. SO BE IT dont pretend you arent infected with the spirit of the strange you can also forget rejoicing. i take no pride in this community I feel we all disgust each other on very deep levels. True nauseating sickening shame yet brothers and sisters here we are cultivating something from within. SO BE IT Enough of that...what brings me joy??? Mathematical torture of women I offer women hundreds of dollars in cash to solve often basic math problems when they cant I burn the money right in front of them. Its expensive kink but truly priceless. The looks on their faces lol. So far $15,200 usd. Not a winner yet hahaha What brings me the most joy? Sniffing japanese female foot odor...just something truly special about a japanese woman's foot odor. Must be the natto or natto and wearing Ugg boots in the subtropics? at any rate when a white man sniffs a japanese chicks feet it is a magical moment. Where im from we say sniffing her feet and her anus back and forth you know her soul. Bravo to tradition Love to all Love to none Me~ Tiny wifeys asshole is life