

Gay Male
Louisville, Kentucky

Age: 19
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 115 lbs
Ethnicity: Indigenous

Last On: 7/4/18

Joined: 11/18/17

NerdyPhotographe's Profile Photo

I honestly don't know why I'm trying anymore but here we go New to the kink scene, interested in almost anything but scat, blood and breathe play are a hard no. Want to try being a pup. I'm in college so I'm probably unhealthily buried under a pile of work, can also be reached on Recon.

NerdyPhotographe's Interests:
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 Lives For:

 Walking (Expert)


 Board Games (Expert)

 Cartoons (Expert)

 Chess (Expert)

 Historical Shows (Expert)

 Science Fiction (Expert)

 Simulation Games (Expert)

 True Crime (Expert)

 Art Collecting (Beginner)


 Body Art (Beginner)

 Photography (Expert)

 Astronomy (Expert)


 Intellectual Discourse (Expert)

 Liberal Politics

 Nihilism (Expert)

 Paranormal Phenomena (Expert)



 Political Activism (Expert)

 The Occult (Beginner)



 Show Tunes



 Ultimate Frisbee (Expert)

 Arcade Games

 Card Games

 Horror Movies (Expert)

 Puzzle Games (Expert)

 TV News (Beginner)

 Web Surfing (Expert)

 Sewing (Expert)



 Alternative Music


 Classical Music

 Electronica / EDM

 New Wave

 Opera Music

 Punk Rock Music


 Rock Music





 Comedy Shows


 Online RPGs

 Role Playing Games

 Sitcoms (Beginner)

 Candle Making (Beginner)

 Cross Stitch







 EMO Music

 Industrial Music


 Pop Music


 Beading (Beginner)



 Soap Making

 Archaeology (Beginner)

 Biology (Beginner)

 Chemistry (Beginner)

 Cryonics (Beginner)

 Heavy Metal Music

 New Age Music



 Seventies Music

 Curious About:




 Horseback Riding

 Martial Arts



 Scuba Diving




 Wind Surfing


 Cybering (Beginner)

 Newspapers (Beginner)

 Online Chatrooms (Beginner)

 Romance Novels (Beginner)





 Online Auctions

 Painting (Beginner)


 Libertarian Politics

 Hip Hop Music

 Nineties Music



 Dancing (Beginner)



 Conservative Politics (Expert)

 Eighties Music


 TV Sports



 Mathematics (Beginner)

 Blue Grass

 Country Music

 Folk Music


 Christianity (Expert)

 Hard Limits:

 Hunting (Expert)
